Eat that Frog with a Pomodoro

Ateka Malik
3 min readApr 16, 2021

“Eat that Frog with a Pomodoro” The title name may confuse you but it’s a technique. This technique is a time management method developed by Francesco Cirillo in the late 1980s.

This technique uses a timer to break down work into intervals, traditionally 25 minutes in length, separated by short breaks. This technique helps to manage distractions and control your time. This results in increased productivity. All of us want to increase our productivity but most of us don’t know how to do that because of distractions. Distractions are present in everyone’s life but not everyone can manage them. So, to utilize your time effectively you have to manage your distractions. This technique proved great for me to manage my distractions.

The picture below shows the steps used in this technique:

I practiced this technique to complete my weekly PW. I divided my remaining task into portions which includes

  1. Completing my resume
  2. Refining the mega-project tasks
  3. Arranging and editing stuff in my PW document
  4. Writing a blog

I started working on my resume and it took almost 30 minutes. So, I decided to take a break after half an hour. Although my phone distracted me a bit, I decided to tackle that distraction later during my break. After the break, I started working on my second step that was refining the mega-project tasks. Although I have already completed some of the work from that section with my team members, I have to refine it and edit it to its final form. This task took almost 20 minutes. So, I took a short 5-minute break that later turned into a 10-minute break because of my mobile phone. After that extended break, I returned to my work and started arranging and uploading all the stuff in my PW document. In between, I suddenly remembered that I have to msg my friend and ask him a question. But then I decided that this is not much important to do now, So, I decided to do that in my upcoming break. After 25 minutes I took a pause and text my friend to ask a question and then I started waiting for her reply and then the conversation goes on and it kept me distracted for more than 5 minutes. But after ending the conversation I again started working on my work but this time I have to leave my work in between because it was aftar time so I decided to resume my task after aftar. So, after getting free from all of my work I again sat to finally complete my task, and this time I put all of my distractions on the side including my phone, and focused on my task. This task I was able to complete my task with ease without any distractions. Now I am feeling quite happy because I have almost completed my task in very little time than usual.

Doing work while using this technique helped me a lot as I noticed that I have done some amount of work in less time than usual. from now on I will definitely use this method to utilize my time effectively and from next time I will keep my phone o silent and away from me and I will try to sit in a separate room to get more focused on my task. Although ignoring your distraction was a bit difficult but when I thought that I have a break coming up then I can easily ignore my notifications.

